L.E.E.S.O Overview
Commitment from the top level down is required, to lead from the front, and to show employees the way forward to a healthier, happier and more productive future.
Clear communication is needed between leaders and their employees, developing a stronger, more synergistic relationship between the two, in order to allow for a happier, healthier, more productive team.
Workers should be empowered to collaborate, prioritise goals, identify causes, engage in decision making, and to operate in a supported decentralised manner.
Coordination of goals and activities is required between the stakeholders, working collaboratively to get to a position of sustained high performance.
The organisation is committed to ongoing reporting, and refining of processes and relationships within the business, in order to allow for continuous improvement, and a workforce that becomes healthier over time.
Explanation of the Scores:
The purpose of our L.E.E.S.O survey is to help you to evaluate your company's performance in terms of an integrated approach to health safety and wellness.
Our evaluation is based on what we believe to be the 5 key components of an integrated approach to health, safety and wellness:
Leadership, Engagement, Empowerment, Synergy and Optimisation.
We use a series of questions for each of the 5 components, and subsequently give a ranking for each area and an overall score, as well as directions to access resources for improving your score.Leadership
Commitment from the top level down is required, to lead from the front, and to show employees the way forward to a healthier, happier and more productive future.
Your company’s leadership scores are exceptional. Your leaders are in regular contact with their employees, with clear messaging, a clear idea of their goals and targets, and they are constantly trying to improve themselves and their organisation.
Your company’s leadership scores are very good. You are achieving in most areas, but lacking in a few and that has prevented your organization’s leadership from maximising their capabilities. The focus needs to be on optimising and making minor corrections to underperforming areas, not a complete course correction.
Your company’s leadership scores are good. Your leadership is performing in some areas, but underperforming in others. Because good leadership is the most important factor in an organisation’s success, we recommend taking action quickly to course correct.
Your company’s leadership scores are poor. While some areas are acceptable, the majority of your leadership scores are underperforming. This is likely impairing the performance of the organisation as a whole, as leadership is the most important factor in an organisations success or failure. We recommend early action in order to course correct.
This indicates a failure in your leadership score implying significant underperformance in a number of key leadership areas. Immediate action is recommended in order to correct this.
Clear communication is needed between leaders and their employees, developing a stronger, more synergistic relationship between the two, in order to allow for a happier, healthier, more productive team.
Your company’s engagement scores are exceptional. Your organisation has implemented an effective integrated approach to employee engagement, and there is decision-making evident at every level. Communication between the different levels of the organisation is clear and regular, and all of your employees feel committed to the organisation’s mission and purpose.
Your company’s engagement scores are very good. You are performing in most areas, but lacking in others, which has prevented optimal organizational engagement. Your focus needs to be on making the minor corrections to those few under-performing areas, while maintaining the higher levels of performance in the areas that are working well.
Your company’s engagement scores are good. Underperformance in a number of key areas is limiting engagement. Good engagement is the ‘why’ factor in an organisation, the reason behind why your employees (and leadership) go to work everyday and give it their all. As such, we recommend taking action to course correct quickly, as ensuring that your organisation is committed to its mission at every level, and communicating clearly is vital to overall performance.
Your company’s engagement scores are poor. Unfortunately, the majority of your organisation’s engagement scores are underperforming. This could be apparent in the seeming lack of motivation amongst employees, distant relationships between leaders, managers and employees, as well as frequent miscommunications. We recommend taking action immediately to course correct, as an organisation cannot succeed without a strong sense of engagement at every level.
Your company’s engagement scores are failing. A complete lack of engagement at every level means that your organisation has a huge number of issues at every level. It’s likely that relationships between workers are poor, communication between leadership,management and employees is non-existent, and there is no sense of commitment to a common mission. Immediate action must be taken in order to correct these issues as your organisation is at serious risk of an engagement crisis.
Workers should be empowered to collaborate, prioritise goals, identify causes, engage in decision making, and to operate in a supported decentralised manner.
Your company’s empowerment scores are exceptional. Your workers are collaborating effectively, setting priorities and capable of decentralised decision making, thereby allowing your organisation to function as a more cohesive unit. Workers feel empowered and engaged with the organisation, and they have a strongly positive relationship to their work.
Your company’s empowerment scores are very good. The majority of your empowerment practices are good, however there is still room for improvement in a few areas which are holding your organisation back. Spending the time on dealing with those under-performing areas is exactly what your organization needs to achieve consistent high performance in this area.
Your company’s empowerment scores are good. While your organisation is doing some things right, it is doing just as many things wrong. Your workers could be more empowered, and are probably not being given the level of responsibility and trust needed for them to achieve their true potential. Making sure to address these problem areas will lead to an immediate uptick in performance for both your workers and your leadership.
Your company’s empowerment scores are poor. Your workers are being seriously inhibited by your organisation’s empowerment practices, and are likely performing at a fraction of their true capabilities. Positively encouraging the development of your workforce is vital to an organization’s long-term success, and as such we recommend swift and immediate action to improve your organisation’s approach to empowerment.
Your company’s empowerment scores are failing. Your organization is failing your workforce. By severely inhibiting their performance, and more than likely actively discouraging improved performance, your organisation is damaging the growth potential of your workforce and as a consequence the growth potential of the organisation as a whole. We recommend action to be taken immediately, as it is near impossible for an organisation to succeed while actively disempowering it’s workforce.
Coordination of goals and activities is required between the stakeholders, working collaboratively to get to a point of sustained high performance.
Your company’s synergy scores are exceptional. There is clear coordination at every level of your organisation, and your organization is likely achieving high performance levels as a result. There is intra-departmental communication and collaboration, and decision making is a synergistic process. Your organisation works holistically, as a team, and provides an inclusive work environment for all.
Your company’s synergy scores are very good. The majority of your results are excellent, which indicates that your organisation is working quite synergistically overall, with a few small, but significant sticking points that should be addressed in order to maximise your organization’s performance.
Your company’s synergy scores are good. While there is synergy in some areas, in others there is a clear separation, and as a result a loss in overall performance. Because strong synergy and collaborative decision making lead to better relationships on an intra-departmental level, where the stakes are higher for failure, we recommend addressing these weak points quickly in order to prevent major issues from occurring in the future
Your company’s synergy scores are poor. Even though there are some good points, your organisation as a whole requires a lot of improvement in order to operate in a holistic manner. Given these scores, it is likely that miscommunication errors are frequent, decision making issues are commonplace, and workers do not feel the workplace is as diverse and cohesive an environment as it should be. We recommend that you take action immediately to address these issues.
Your company’s synergy scores are failing. Your company is less of a single organisation, and more a collection of individual entities. There is little to no collaboration and communication across departments, and this is likely leading to your workforce feeling fragmented and separated from each other. This is a serious situation, and we recommend immediate and drastic action is taken to address these issues.
The organisation is committed to ongoing reporting, and refining of processes and relationships within the business, in order to allow for continuous improvement, and a workforce that becomes healthier over time.
Your company’s optimisation scores are exceptional. You are tracking your progress effectively, evaluating the results and refining your processes consistently, which is likely leading to a continuously improving level of performance. Your data-driven, results based approach is exactly what we recommend, and as long as you continue to optimise your metrics, your results will continue to improve.
Your company’s optimisation scores are very good. Your organisation is doing a great job at tracking and improving upon the majority of it’s metrics, with only a few small areas that require attention. Because what gets measured gets managed, we recommend addressing these sticking points quickly, as the more accurate and regular your metrics are, the better your organisation will perform.
Your company’s optimisation scores are good. Your organization is doing some things right, and some things wrong. Because optimisation requires a commitment to tracking and consistently updating data across your entire organisation, it can lead to dramatic under-performance in some areas if certain segments of the company do not follow the protocols. Because it is near impossible to spot gaps in your organisations performance without data to see them, we recommend addressing these weak points quickly, so that no major mistakes occur.
Your company’s synergy scores are poor. Even though there are some good points, your organisation as a whole requires a lot of improvement in order to operate in a holistic manner. Given these scores, it is likely that miscommunication errors are frequent, decision making issues are commonplace, and workers do not feel the workplace is as diverse and cohesive an environment as it should be. We recommend that you take action immediately to address these issues.Your company’s optimisation scores are poor. Your organisation is not tracking it’s metrics appropriately, and your performance is almost certainly suffering as a result. While there is some attempt at tracking, it is nowhere near comprehensive enough to have an impact at a company-wide level. We recommend addressing this area immediately, as it will have a significant impact on your company’s performance in a very short time period.
Your company’s optimisation scores are failing. Your company is not tracking data at anywhere near an appropriate level. It is impossible for a company to improve consistently without metrics to base its decisions off of, and as such it is highly likely that your company is only operating at a fraction of its true performance potential. We recommend taking swift and immediate action to correct this, as not doing so is actively impeding your company’s performance.