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The first occupational health provider in Ireland to utilise a dedicated end-to-end OH system and portal; Cognate Health now offer clients and Referral Managers a fit for purpose online solution for greater efficiency, faster turnaround times and access to real-time data and reporting.

Meddbase, a cloud-based system is safe, secure, fully GDPR compliant and easy to integrate into your business.

Benefits for Employers

Meddbase Features

Here is a brief brief overview of the key features and benefits of the Meddbase Client OH Portal

Data Migration

Data is one of your organisation’s most precious resources. Ensuring accurate migration of existing data into the Meddbase system is a business-critical challenge that we have deep experience in helping our clients meet. The Data Migration Toolkit allows you to import data based on a range of field headers directly into the application. Whether bulk uploads of patient demographics, scanned documents, medical images or even full medical records. If you want to get really technical, you can push data directly to our data import service.

Validation of your data and how it is stored within our application is critical. Our import service creates reports based on your unique dataset and informs you of potential issues when importing. For example, invalid dates of birth, titles that do not match gender as well as a host of other useful information. If you do commit data by mistake, our undo feature allows you to roll back your import.

We have a team of data experts with extensive experience in migrating data from a wide range of clinical systems, including DGL Practice Manager, Crosscare, Lumeon, TM2 / TM3 and many more. Our goal is to make the transition to Meddbase from your existing system seamless, smooth and uninterrupted.

Patient Portal


Keeping track of schedules and ensuring maximum resource usage can be a real challenge, even more so when managing multiple clinicians, assets and sites. It doesn’t need to be. With our enterprise resource planning (ERP) toolkit you can match available resources according to skills and availability and with our powerful appointment search tool you will never miss a slot For those who require a more visual toolset, the side-by-side scheduler allows you to quickly and easily view availability at any site and with powerful filters for isolating specific locations, equipment and individuals required for care delivery. Where speed and maximum utilisation are the primary objective, the appointment finder is a powerful search tool. Find the next available time for an appointment, even if the appointment requires multiple attendees of varying skill sets. For geographically dispersed organisations, our integrated geolocation system will only present patients with slots that make sense for their location.