As innovators and leaders in occupational health across Ireland, Cognate Health are not only committed to supporting and improving the health and wellbeing of employers and their employees; but also that of the wider community.
Cognate Health is defined as an SME with ambition and plans for growth.
We want this growth to happen in a sustainable manner that has low impact on the environment. We want to also ensure that we are working with partners who share our same vision and goals.
Projects and Initiatives
In 2023 our operations plan will include several projects and initiatives that are framed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are implementing goals in the following SDGs into our operations plan:
At Cognate Health, we recognise that environmental factors have a considerable impact on the health and wellbeing of our clients, partners, and the wider community within which we operate.
We also recognise the significant overlap between preventative healthcare and environmental protection. Our commitment to environmental preservation informs our decision making and guides business development across all sectors of the organisation.
Our routine business operations produce moderate amounts of waste, typical of that generated in an office setting. We organise and promote recycling of waste where possible and facilitate this in our office by providing sufficient recycling containers for staff, clients, and visitors. The modest amounts of hazardous waste that we generate, are disposed of in a safe and appropriate manner, in accordance with all applicable waste regulations.
Office and workplace refurbishments often produce a considerable amount of waste, it is for this reason that we have made minimal changes to our new offices when adapting them for our business activities. In an effort to reduce environmental pollution, we support the cycle to work scheme. By equipping our offices with shower facilities and lockers, this scheme is more accessible and feasible for our employees.
Energy and natural resource consumption
To reduce our carbon footprint, our offices are fitted with energy efficient LED lighting. We encourage all staff to turn off monitors and unplug any devices that are not in use in the evening and during extended periods of absence. In our office spaces, all employee computers are connected to a central network photocopier and printer, rather than equipping each station with an individual printer.

Given our unique position as leaders of health, we are well placed to both identify and support some of the most pressing issues facing the workforce. In accordance with the values we promote as physicians, we are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of support to our employees and partners.
At Cognate Health we value diversity and recognise it as a key factor in the development of all aspects of our business. As our organisation continues to expand, we are committed to creating a workplace where employees can bring their differences to the table and thrive both professionally and personally. To achieve this working environment, we strive to identify and eliminate any systemic or individual barriers that could prevent the participation or engagement of any groups or individuals in the workforce.
We are aware that the prosperity of healthcare organisations is inextricably linked to the health of the communities they serve. As such, we are dedicated to engaging with and supporting our community in a way that benefits the health and well-being of individuals. Our chosen charity is the Simon Community, who provide housing and support to the homeless community on their journey to independent living. We are committed to providing our medical skills, experience and knowledge on a pro bono or reduced fees basis, to support their vital work.
We recognise that a respectful and healthy workplace environment is a crucial component of employee health and wellbeing. This responsibility applies to members of our team at every level and is encouraged by management.
It is important that our employees feel valued in their respective roles and that we are investing in their personal and professional development. The opportunity for employees to develop their skills and continue their professional education is not only important for upholding the high standard of care that we provide to our clients, but also allows employees to continue their personal development whilst in their role at Cognate.
The safety and wellness of our employees is a central part of our organisation’s ethos. In line with our commitment to employee wellness, we prohibit any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying and encourage our employees to report any behaviour that does not adhere to the values we promote in our workplace.
At Cognate Health, we have an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) in place to support employees through any personal or work-related issues that may be affecting their mental health or their job performance. This is a free and confidential service that is available to all Cognate employees.
Upholding our governance standards is essential in creating and preserving high quality standards for our employees and clients. Our diverse and highly skilled Board of Directors help guide our corporate governance in adherence with all applicable laws and regulations, and in line with our values. We recognise that effective leadership is an essential part of good governance, and as such, it is critical that our leaders are representative of our people, as well as our values and ideals.
We are committed to the preservation of human rights and dignity within our workplace and beyond. At Cognate health we support and promote internationally recognised human rights declarations and principles and maintain standards and procedures consistent with these international declarations. We prohibit all forms of corruption, discrimination and harassment and, through our HR team, we provide support to anyone with who has concerns or queries in relation to their rights in the workplace. All interactions with clients and partners are conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in line with our policies and procedures.
Information Security:
Because of the sensitive nature of the information we deal with, we recognise the importance of robust information security procedures. To ensure that confidential data is kept private and protected from unauthorised access and viewing, we have implemented a clean desk policy. This policy is applicable to all employees, temporary staff, partners, and contractual third parties, both onsite and offsite and is relevant when dealing with all printed documents, public information and confidential information belonging to Cognate Health or to which Cognate Health is a party or signatory. To ensure successful implementation of this policy we have assigned Document Control Administrators (DCAs) who direct and advise on implementation and ensure that all employees are adequately trained to implement this policy.
By implementing our SDG policy we are committed to the achievement of the goals, and maintenance of the standards, outlined within it. We will publish updates on our SDG goals and targets that will be available to our clients, employees, partners, and potential partners.